Because Ctrl+Z Can't Undo Everything Xero's Zero Backup Policy. Control-C: Three Your SaaS Data is One Outage Away from Disaster. Xero Gives You Zero Backup. We Give You Peace of Mind. Xero + Zero Backup = Zero Sense. Your SaaS Provider Has One Copy. You Deserve Another. Your Data's Second Chance. The Insurance Policy Your SaaS Provider Doesn't Offer.

Posts and General Articles


Xero Partners Clearly Lack their own BCP

No XPM Backup? No BCP. It's that simple. The Absence of a BCP Reveals a Deeper...

Xero Partners: Accountants 'Duty of Care'

Xero Downtime & Local Tax Authority Compliance: Are You Fulfilling Your Duty of Care? Urgent Advisory:...

Xero Tokens - What are they and why has my org been disconnected?

For Control-C to connect to your Xero organisations and maintain security, Xero uses OAuth 2.0...

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