Because Ctrl+Z Can't Undo Everything Xero's Zero Backup Policy. Control-C: Three Your SaaS Data is One Outage Away from Disaster. Xero Gives You Zero Backup. We Give You Peace of Mind. Xero + Zero Backup = Zero Sense. Your SaaS Provider Has One Copy. You Deserve Another. Your Data's Second Chance. The Insurance Policy Your SaaS Provider Doesn't Offer.

Safeguarding Your Business Data Held In Xero's (AWS) Cloud (somewhere).

Automated Backups & Easy Access

Xero Business Backup Features

No limits

We have no data limits for us to backup your data from Xero.

Unlimited History

Go back to any day, month or year and compare your data to any two periods. We keep every backup for the lifetime of your subscription.

Data Soverienty

Domilcle your data to your HW on-site or off-premises location in your own country using our free 'Control-V' product if you don't have or wish to use a 3rd party cloud storage provider.

Offline access

When Xero goes offline, you can access all of your backed up data off-line using our free application 'backapp' for Windows and OSX.

Multiple Export Formats

Confidently export all your backed up data in XML, CSV, XLSX or PDF formats


Control-C User portal is user friendly and informative so you can easily manage single or multiple Xero orgs under one account.

MSP Support

Grant permissions to your IT or Managed Service Provider to manage and monitor your backups for you.

Additional Features

Purpose built by Control-C, for OSX or Windows users. Backapp allows you to open your backed up Xero data and view, filter, search and export.

This software is available FREE to all subscribers and never expires so you may keep using it if you no longer need to backup your Xero data.

Purpose built by Control-V, Windows users that would like an automated download of their backed up data to their local server or PC. Control-V is an alternative to using our supported cloud storage vendors to replicate the data backed up daily by our servers directly and autonomously to your local on-premise hardware for compliance reasons or simply convenience.

Purpose built by Control-C, integrate with our API for MSP/CSP’s to integrate Control-C backup with their monitoring services

Level 2, 142 Broadway, Newmarket,
Auckland 1023, NEW ZEALAND
Phone: (+64) 9 520 6397
Mobile: (+64) 21 40 30 33
Email: Control-C Sales
Web: Control-C

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