No More Waiting #
No more waiting around on the download page and wondering when the file might be ready.
There is now a new workflow to allow you to select the backup set that you wish download and you will be notified by email once it is ready. Plus – if you are already logged in to the Control-C portal, the link in the email take you straight to the download file once done.
New Improved Workflow #
Step 1 and 2: #
Go to ‘My Backups’ and click on the ‘Download’

Step 3: #
You will receive an email once the request has processed your data and the file is ready to download. The time this takes can be less than a minute to several hours depending on how much data you have.

Step 4: #
Click on ‘Your Files’ to go to the history of your download requests…

Step 5: #
You will see your download ready in the list or the status of the requested download here…