Xero's Zero Backup Policy. Control-C: Three Your SaaS Data is One Outage Away from Disaster. Xero Gives You Zero Backup. We Give You Peace of Mind. Xero + Zero Backup = Zero Sense. Your SaaS Provider Has One Copy. You Deserve Another. Your Data's Second Chance. The Insurance Policy Your SaaS Provider Doesn't Offer.


WARNING: Non-compliance

You are non-compliant with Xero's Terms of Use

As stated in Xero's terms of Use

You are responsible for backing up your own Xero data and must backup your data inputted into Xero.

Are You Prepared?

Why Control-C is Your Data Recovery Fast Track

Imagine a financial nightmare: your Xero accounts are corrupted, crucial data is missing, and you’re desperate to get back on track. But instead of a quick fix, Xero’s data restoration process can feel like eternity, riddled with limitations and risk.

Let’s understand some of Xero’s key Restoration Roadblocks:

  • API Dead Ends:Xero’s API, the key to data restoration, has glaring limitations. It is like a locked door with missing keys, deliberately, so you can’t touch the Journal/General Ledger, the crucial records of your accounting history. This leaves you with incomplete, fractured data, riddled with gaps and inconsistencies even after restoration.
  • Reconciliation Maze: Forget restoring all pre-reconciled records with Xero. Its API does not complete all records, forcing you into a manual reconciliation marathon. Days, even weeks, wasted fixing a problem that you shouldn’t need to solve.
  • Daily Data Drip: To top it all off, Xero has a daily API limit of 5,000 calls. If your backup took you 5 days, say goodbye to a quick recovery. That’s 5 more days of your business in limbo (plus any new data since the first backup), while it slowly restores, unable to access vital financial information until it is complete.

Beyond the Inconvenience: Accounting Integrity at Stake:

Xero’s limitations go beyond inconvenience. Thinking that you can rewrite the Journal/General Ledger to fix errors? There is a valid reason why Xero’s API won’t let you write to the Journal or General Ledger. Accountants and auditors scream “no way!” It’s like revising history, compromising the integrity of your accounts and violating auditing standards. The right way? Reverse the mistake, redo it correctly, and maintain a clear, traceable record in the Journal/General Ledger. Accounting Rule 101.

Control-C Rescue Plan for Your Financial Data

Control-C: Your Data Recovery Champion:

Control-C bypasses Xero’s limitations with a swift, efficient approach. No need to wait for API calls or manual reconciliations. Instead of getting stuck in Xero’s restoration maze, Control-C offers a swift and secure escape route. Simply:

  • Start Fresh with a Clean Slate: Skip the tedious data restoration process. Use Control-C to create a new Xero organization with your previous closing balances as your opening balances. It’s like a fresh start, free from the baggage of corrupted data.
  • Import Key Records, Stay in Control: Focus on the essentials. Import your contacts, invoices due/unpaid, and chart of accounts. This way, you have the core data you need to keep your business running smoothly.
  • Immediate Access with Backapp: While you set up your new Xero organization, enjoy immediate access to all your data through Control-C’s free backapp utility. It’s like having a plan-b for your business accounting records, accessible anytime, anywhere.
  • Keep the Cash Flow Going: Even during the transition, you can still issue invoices through backapp web. Keep the money flowing in while you seamlessly move your data to the new Xero organization.
  • Retain your original corrupted organisation data in Xero, should you, or your auditors/accountants need it. If not, simply back it up with Control-C for access later or safe keeping. Your historical records have value and do matter.

Control-C: The Takeaway:

Xero’s data restoration process is a slow, frustrating detour. Don’t get stuck in the traffic jam. Choose Control-C for a fast, efficient, and accounting-compliant way to recover your data and keep your business running smoothly. Remember, with Control-C, you’re not just restoring data, you’re regaining control and peace of mind.

Control-C: A Smarter, Faster, Safer Way

How we can Help You

Control-C is unique in that your data is downloaded to New Zealand owned and based data centres, with the option to sync to third party cloud storage providers such as DropBox, Box, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, or automatically download to your office server, or local standalone PC or Apple Mac.

Easily accessible whenever you need it, with all the versions right back to when you first started the service. Once downloaded locally, you don’t even have to be online to view your data using ‘backapp’.

‘backapp’ – is a FREE application that enables you to view, search, export and report on your Xero data. Powerful searching allows you to locate transactions quickly and easily across all you backed up Xero data.

Affordable and easy to setup, please subscribe to our FREE 7 day trial, no credit card details are required.

‘control c limited’ is a company based in Auckland, New Zealand, that gives you added control of your financial data stored with Xero.

History of Control-C


Yes, as a business owner using Xero, you should absolutely be backing up or taking copies of your data.

While Xero does have robust security measures in place and performs regular backups, their Terms of Use clearly state that:

You’re responsible for maintaining copies of your data entered into our services.

This means that Xero doesn’t guarantee against data loss and that the responsibility for safeguarding your data ultimately lies with you.

Why backing up your Xero data is crucial:

  • Data loss protection: Accidents happen, and technical glitches or unforeseen events can lead to data loss.Having a backup ensures you can recover your financial information and avoid significant disruptions to your business.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you have a safe copy of your data can provide peace of mind and allow you to focus on running your business without worrying about potential data disasters.
  • Compliance: Some industries or regulatory bodies may require businesses to maintain copies of their financial records for specific periods. Regular backups help you comply with these requirements.
  • Business continuity: In the event of a cyberattack or other security incident, having a backup can be essential for quickly restoring your operations and minimizing downtime.

How to back up your Xero data:

  • Manual exports: Xero allows you to export your data in various formats, such as CSV or PDF. You can download these files and store them securely on an external hard drive or cloud storage.
  • Third-party backup solutions: There are several third-party applications that integrate with Xero and automate the backup process. These solutions offer additional features like versioning and encryption for enhanced data protection.
  • Xero’s own backup service (add-on): Xero offers a paid backup service as an add-on that automatically backs up your data to a secure location.


  • Create a backup schedule: Establish a regular backup schedule, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the frequency of changes to your data.
  • Store backups securely: Keep your backups in a safe location, either offline (e.g., external hard drive) or online (e.g., encrypted cloud storage).
  • Test your backups: Regularly test your backups to ensure you can successfully restore your data if needed.
  • Review Xero’s Terms of Use: Familiarize yourself with the relevant sections of Xero’s Terms of Use to fully understand your responsibilities regarding data backups and other aspects.

By taking these proactive steps, you can protect your valuable financial data and ensure the continuity of your business operations, even in the face of unexpected events.

Xero post about the backup situation can be found here

While Xero does perform regular backups of their system for disaster recovery and data integrity purposes, you as the business owner are ultimately responsible for backing up your own Xero data.

This is explicitly stated in Xero’s Terms of Use, which emphasizes that you are responsible for maintaining copies of your data entered into their services.

Why Xero doesn’t take full responsibility:

  • Data ownership: Your business data belongs to you, and Xero acts as a custodian of that data. They provide the platform and tools to manage it, but the responsibility for safeguarding your own data lies with you.
  • Data loss scenarios: Xero’s backups are designed to protect against system-wide failures and data corruption.However, they may not cover scenarios like accidental deletion by users, malware attacks targeting your specific account, or other localized data loss events.

How to ensure your data is backed up:

  • Regularly export your data: Xero provides various ways to export your data, including manual exports to CSV or PDF formats. You should establish a regular backup schedule and store these exports in a secure location (e.g.,external hard drive or cloud storage).
  • Utilize third-party backup solutions: Many third-party apps integrate with Xero and offer automated backup solutions with additional features like versioning and encryption.
  • Consider Xero’s backup add-on: Xero offers a paid backup service as an add-on, which automatically backs up your data to a secure location.

By taking proactive measures to back up your Xero data, you can ensure that you have a copy of your valuable financial information readily available in case of any unforeseen events. This will help you maintain business continuity and avoid potential losses due to data loss.

Even if your accountant is the subscriber to your Xero account, the responsibility for backing up the data ultimately rests with you, the business owner.

Here’s why:

  1. Data Ownership: While your accountant may manage the Xero subscription and have access to the data, the financial information in Xero belongs to your business. It’s your responsibility to ensure its safekeeping and availability.

  2. Xero’s Terms of Use: Xero’s Terms of Use explicitly state that users are responsible for maintaining their own copies of the data entered into the service. This applies regardless of who the subscriber is.

  3. Business Continuity: Backing up your data is a critical part of your business continuity plan. In case of data loss due to technical issues, accidental deletion, or even a dispute with your accountant, having your own backup ensures that your business operations can continue uninterrupted.

  4. Accountant-Client Relationship: While your accountant may offer assistance in setting up backups or recommend backup solutions, it’s not their sole responsibility to ensure your data is backed up. Their primary role is to provide accounting and financial services, not data management.

How to address the backup responsibility:

  • Discuss with your accountant: Have an open conversation with your accountant about data backups. Clarify who is responsible for performing backups, how often they should be done, and where the backups will be stored.

  • Establish a backup process: Decide on a backup method that works for your business. You can either manually export data from Xero or use a third-party backup solution that integrates with Xero.

  • Regularly review and test backups: Ensure that your backups are being performed as scheduled and that you can successfully restore the data if needed.

  • Consider a written agreement: If necessary, create a written agreement with your accountant outlining the responsibilities for data backups and other aspects of your Xero subscription management.

By taking these proactive steps, you can ensure that your business’s financial data is protected and readily available,regardless of who manages the Xero subscription.

Yes, Xero partners should definitely read and understand the Xero Terms of Use. It’s a crucial part of their responsibility as trusted advisors to their clients.

Why it’s important for Xero partners to understand the Terms of Use:

  • Liability: The Terms of Use outline the rights and responsibilities of both Xero and its users. Understanding these terms is essential to protect both the partner and their clients from potential legal issues.
  • Data protection: The Terms of Use cover important aspects of data protection, including Xero’s obligations regarding data security and the user’s responsibility for maintaining backups of their data. Partners should be able to advise their clients on these matters to ensure their data is safe.
  • Service limitations: The Terms of Use also outline the limitations of Xero’s services. Partners need to be aware of these limitations to set realistic expectations for their clients and avoid misunderstandings.

Why sharing this information with clients is important:

  • Informed consent: Clients need to understand the terms they are agreeing to when they use Xero. Partners have a responsibility to ensure their clients are fully informed about their rights and obligations.
  • Data protection: By informing clients about their responsibility to maintain backups, partners can help prevent data loss and minimize the impact of potential technical issues.
  • Dispute resolution: In the event of a dispute, having a clear understanding of the Terms of Use can help resolve the issue more efficiently and amicably.

Best practices for Xero partners:

  • Read and understand the Terms of Use: Partners should thoroughly review the Terms of Use and ensure they understand all the key provisions.
  • Communicate with clients: Partners should proactively communicate the key points of the Terms of Use to their clients, emphasizing the importance of data backups and other relevant aspects.
  • Provide resources: Partners can provide clients with links to the Xero Terms of Use and other relevant resources to help them understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Stay up-to-date: Xero may update the Terms of Use from time to time, so partners should make sure they are always aware of the latest version and inform their clients of any changes.

By taking these steps, Xero partners can ensure that their clients are well-informed and protected, while also fulfilling their own legal and ethical obligations.

There could be several reasons why your accountant didn’t explicitly mention the necessity of backing up your Xero data as part of your obligations as a user:

  1. Assumption of knowledge: Your accountant may have assumed that you were already aware of the importance of data backups, especially for critical business information like your financial records. This might be a common practice in their experience with clients.

  2. Focus on other priorities: During your interactions, your accountant may have prioritized discussing other pressing accounting or financial matters, leaving the topic of data backups unaddressed due to time constraints or perceived lower priority.

  3. Oversight: It’s possible that your accountant simply overlooked mentioning the backup requirement, especially if it’s not explicitly stated in their standard communication materials or client onboarding process.

  4. Misunderstanding of Xero’s terms: Your accountant may not have a complete understanding of Xero’s Terms of Use or may have misinterpreted the clauses related to data backups.

  5. Reliance on Xero’s infrastructure: Your accountant might trust Xero’s cloud infrastructure to be secure and reliable, leading them to believe that backups are not a primary concern for the user.

Important considerations:

  • Xero’s Terms of Use: Regardless of your accountant’s advice, it’s crucial to note that Xero’s Terms of Use clearly state that users are responsible for maintaining their own backups of their data. This means that in case of data loss due to technical issues, accidental deletion, or other unforeseen circumstances, Xero may not be able to restore your data to its previous state.

  • Protecting your business: Backing up your Xero data is a critical step in protecting your business from potential financial and operational disruptions. Regular backups ensure that you can quickly recover your data in case of any issues, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.


  • Discuss with your accountant: If you’re concerned about your accountant’s advice, initiate a conversation with them to clarify their understanding of Xero’s data backup requirements and to discuss the best practices for safeguarding your financial data.

  • Regularly back up your data: Implement a regular backup schedule for your Xero data, either manually or using automated tools. Store your backups in a secure location, preferably offsite or in the cloud, to ensure they are protected from physical damage or theft.

  • Review Xero’s Terms of Use: Familiarize yourself with Xero’s Terms of Use, paying particular attention to the sections related to data ownership, security, and backups. This will help you understand your responsibilities as a user and take necessary precautions to protect your data.

Xero Data Restoration: The Truth

No one can fully restore your backed-up Xero data back into Xero. If a provider claims they can, be very wary. There are significant limitations to what’s possible, and any restoration attempt will leave gaps in your data.

We prioritize getting your financial records accessible quickly, unlike others who make false restoration claims. One company even promotes themselves as the only “Xero restore service.” The reason no one else offers this is simple: it’s not possible! Tests using their service revealed that even small restores took days, larger ones took weeks, and some never finished.

This same company doesn’t even back up your journal, let alone restore it, along with reconciliations and data verification for multi-currency organizations.

Can your business afford to be without financial records for days or weeks? Our product, backapp, allows you to reconstitute your backed-up data through a purpose-built application.

We’ve thoroughly explored restoring data to Xero, and while we can restore some, it’s not enough to honestly claim a full “Restore to Xero.” A partial restore with so many gaps and limitations has little value for businesses or accountants.

We work with numerous businesses and accountants worldwide, and they value quick access to accurate data. They need the ability to restore the chart of accounts to a new Xero organization or other software, import opening balances,and resume business operations.

Due to Xero’s API limitations preventing a complete data return, we don’t offer any restoration service. Remember, the reason for needing a restore might not be to get back into Xero. If Xero is down for an extended time, the goal is to get your business running again, perhaps on another platform.

Control-C is the only Xero backup provider offering usable data visibility for effective business continuity. We back up your entire journal, unlike some competitors. Most accountants and auditors understand the journal’s importance.

In summary: Due to API limitations, no one can accurately or completely restore data to Xero. We provide the next best alternative: quick access to your business data in a usable format for your Business Continuity Plan. Incorporate this recovery process into your plan.

Your very first backup is a full backup and therefore this will take the longest time to run compared to your subsequent daily backups. Once your first back is complete though, your daily backups should complete within a couple of hours i.e. daily.

There is really no easy way to calculate how long the first backup will take as it comes down to quite a few factors, just like how long will it take to sail from A to B? Some Xero organisations have taken a couple of weeks, some even longer, but most small Xero organisations complete within a couple of days.

Factors to consider are how many records do you have in each Xero table of accounts, there are more than a dozen tables, for example your Receivables and Payables, your Bank Accounts and your Customers and Suppliers etc. If you are using Xero’s ability to store attachments, you are also going to need to allow time to back these up.

Xero also limits the amount of requests for data in a 24hr period. Once you hit the limit, controlc have to wait until the next day to pickup where it left off.

If you think your first backup is taking way too long, then you should contact us at support.controlc.co.nz and we will look into it for you and let you know its progress.

Hope that helps.

While your data is safe in “the cloud”, we all know the unforeseen can happen, and we all know we should have a secure copy of our precious data somewhere.

Tax Departments, business advisors, IT professionals all recognise that a data backup is good business practice and in most countries a tax compliance requirement.

We store your data securely in New Zealand based data centres. With Control-C you can download any of your data at any time. You can also have access to attachments that have been stored in Xero.

Basically, we give you the tool to help meet these requirements, plus the ability to browse, search, print and export your data independent of Xero. But ultimately, peace of mind.

Whilst Control-C stores your data in New Zealand data centre, we do offer other options to address ‘Data Sovereignty’.

  • Support four major third party Cloud Storage providers – Box, GoogleDrive, OneDrive and DropBox (allows you to sync to your local drive)
  • Control-C custom Windows sync tool that replicates directly to your servers from ours.
  • In country hosting
  • Private hosting

Please contact us if you would like to learn more about any of these options.

When using controlc ltd, you are dealing directly with a 100% New Zealand owned company. We are here to serve you and make sure you have uninhibited access to ‘your’ data.

We have a phone line that you can call as well as online chat available and are more than happy to meet people in person should the need arise. We have an open door policy and do not hide behind an ’email only’ contact.

Unless you are using our In-Country or Privately hosted services, your data is held in two secure commercial data centres, the primary is based in Wellington and the secondary data centre in Auckland. Both data centres employ backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls (e.g., air conditioning, fire suppression) and various security features such as ‘biometrics’ and ‘mantraps’ with 24/7 monitoring.

  1. Firstly subscribe to the FREE 14 day trial.
  2. Once Subscribed you will be guided to add a Xero organisation to be backed up. NOTE: You can add as many Xero Organisations as you like. Watch this video.
  3. Wait for your first backup to complete. This may take only one night to backup depending on your amount of data. Some Xero Organisations could take up to a week to backup, depending on the amount of attachments they have. If you think it is taking a long time, please let us know and we will investigate.
  4. Once complete, please login and download your successful backup to your local device. Watch this video.
  5. Download backapp to view and search your backed up Xero data file. Watch this video.

Any question, please email us. We are here to help.

Apart from being the only product on the market of its kind and very good value for money, here’s some other great things about Control-C and backapp :

  • We backup your data every 24hrs
  • Your data can be downloaded to your office directly i.e. not via email – which has size limitations
  • We can synchronise your data to four major Cloud Storage providers – DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box and OneDrive(business)
  • We enable you to see ALL data made available to us, by Xero, on an ongoing basis
  • We backup any attachments added to an invoice at the time of creation
  • All historical backups are saved in the cloud for easy access anytime in the future
  • We offer several data formats (such as XML, XSLX or CSV)
  • We provide a FREE Windows and OSX utility called ‘backapp’, which allows you to easily browse, search and report on any of the data transferred from Xero
  • We can store the data in a data centre local to you, or directly to your infrastructure.

Control-C backs up all possible data from Xero and makes that available to you in an offline method that is very usable and viewable on any device (Mac or PC)

What we provide, is the ability to view your data from any previous day, such as invoices, expenses, balances (creditors/debtors etc), reports, attachments associated to these records.

We also integrate with third party Cloud Storage providers – which can then sync your data back to your own PC/Servers. This gives you the highest-level redundancy and access to your data anytime and anywhere.

Yes, you can go back to the day your first back up was successfully completed.  This means you essentially have an unlimited archive of all your daily backups that are accessible to you any time you need them.
In summary, your data is very safe with Control-C. We deploy end-to-end encryption from Xero to our storage – and at rest. Your data is encrypted so securely – we can not see or access your data or attachments. Further, we do not share your data with anyone at anytime under any conditions.

Read our full terms and conditions and privacy policy by clicking at the foot of the page.


Getting Started

Manage your backups and accounts

Our portal to the backup servers bring you realtime backup status reports, a dashboard showing the overall status of your organisations backups and ability to view your Xero data online and download for use locally. The portal is the control room of your subscription with Control-C.


Our Software Suite

View your Xero data

Purpose built by Control-C, for OSX or Windows users.  Backapp allows you to open your backed up Xero data and view, filter, search and export.

This software is available FREE to all subscribers and never expires so you may keep using it if you no longer need to backup your Xero data.

Automated Sync Agent

Purpose built by Control-V, Windows users that would like an automated download of their backed up data to their local server or PC. Control-V is an alternative to using our supported cloud storage vendors to replicate the data backed up daily by our servers directly and autonomously to your local on-premise hardware for compliance reasons or simply convenience.

This software is available FREE to all subscribers.

Interface to our API

Purpose built by Control-C, integrate with our API to extract your data from our servers.

This software is available for an additional fee. Please contact us to discuss pricing or other queries related to our API.

Sign up for 7-Day Free Trial

  • No credit card details required

  • Full use of Control-C with all features

  • Full use of Control-V with all features

  • Full use of ‘backapp’ with all features

NOTE: We limit the number of data records backed up to 50 per Xero table e.g. Invoices, Contacts, Bank Transactions etc.

Please provide feedback and suggestions during the trial period


7 day Free Trial

No Card Required

Billed MonthlyBilled Yearly
Save 15% on annual billing
NZD $17NZD $170
Serious business owners, Accountants, Auditing & Data Forensic
Automated daily full backup, all Accounting Data + Attachments + Journal + History & Notes
Unlimited daily backup history, forever.
DropBox, Box, GoogleDrive, OneDrive or your local PC replication
No Credit Card Required Try a FREE 7-day TrialNo Credit Card Required Try a FREE 7-day Trial

One time backup

One-Off Backup
Data takeaway
One time charge
Full backup available for 14 days to download including all features below
Buy NowBuy Now

Contact Us

Contact phone:

Main: (+64) 9 520 6397

Please leave a message with our receptionist and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Physical Address

Level 2, 142 Broadway
Auckland 1023
New Zealand 

Level 2, 142 Broadway, Newmarket,
Auckland 1023, NEW ZEALAND
Phone: (+64) 9 520 6397
Mobile: (+64) 21 40 30 33
Email: Control-C Sales
Web: Control-C

© Copyright by Control C Limited