Because Ctrl+Z Can't Undo Everything Xero's Zero Backup Policy. Control-C: Three Your SaaS Data is One Outage Away from Disaster. Xero Gives You Zero Backup. We Give You Peace of Mind. Xero + Zero Backup = Zero Sense. Your SaaS Provider Has One Copy. You Deserve Another. Your Data's Second Chance. The Insurance Policy Your SaaS Provider Doesn't Offer.

Safeguard Your Cin7 Omni Data: The Only Backup Solution Available

Cin7 Omni is a powerful inventory and order management platform that streamlines operations for businesses across various industries. Its robust features enable businesses to manage inventory levels, track orders, and process billing efficiently. However, the importance of safeguarding this critical data cannot be overstated.

Control-C is the only backup service available for Cin7 Omni, offering an essential layer of protection for your business. With Control-C, you can safeguard your inventory levels, order history, and billing information against accidental deletion, system failures, or cyberattacks.

Why Backup Cin7 Omni Data with Control-C?

  • Prevent Data Loss: Protect your business from the devastating consequences of data loss. Control-C provides secure and reliable backups, ensuring your Cin7 Omni data is always recoverable.
  • Maintain Business Continuity: In the event of an unexpected disruption, Control-C allows you to quickly restore your Cin7 Omni data, minimizing downtime and maintaining business operations.
  • Ensure Compliance: 4.1(c) You must maintain copies of all Data inputted into the Service. If Your Subscription Plan includes offline Services, You will also need to keep copies of the Data necessary for those Services on Your system. Cin7 adheres to its best practice policies and procedures to prevent data loss, including creating periodic back-ups of Data, but Cin7 does not make any guarantees that there will be no loss or corruption of Data. Cin7 expressly excludes liability for any loss or corruption of Data, no matter how caused.

Don’t leave your Cin7 Omni data vulnerable. Choose Control-C, the only backup solution available for Omni, and gain peace of mind knowing your critical business data is protected.

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Cin7 Omni backup

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Cin7 Omni

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Auckland 1023, NEW ZEALAND
Phone: (+64) 9 520 6397
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Email: Control-C Sales
Web: Control-C

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