Because Ctrl+Z Can't Undo Everything Xero's Zero Backup Policy. Control-C: Three Your SaaS Data is One Outage Away from Disaster. Xero Gives You Zero Backup. We Give You Peace of Mind. Xero + Zero Backup = Zero Sense. Your SaaS Provider Has One Copy. You Deserve Another. Your Data's Second Chance. The Insurance Policy Your SaaS Provider Doesn't Offer.

Viewing the First Backup Progress

How do I see the daily progress? #

You can see what the daily progress looks like on your first backup for your organisation by clicking on My Backups and then the Backup 1 link. Please note, this may take some time to compute if you have a large Xero org. Please be patient.

This is what the results will look like. You can see the Invoice record count increasing.

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